Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26, 2014 -- Merry Christmas from the Peacocks : )

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hope's pain has continued to be about the same where she is quite limited in how much time she can spend in her chair or even a reclining chair.  So over the holidays, we will have to be careful to find ways for her to be lying flat enough of the time or her pain will become quite severe.  But overall, Hope continues to improve little by little.  She is now able to lie flat WITHOUT a pillow and that position helps relieve some of the tension that builds in her neck when she is sitting up.

We want to thank you for continuing to follow Hope's recovery journey and for keeping her in prayer, along with our family!  You are such an incredible encouragement to our whole family, and we praise and thank our gracious God for each and every one of you!!!

Most of all, and especially at this time of year, we want to thank God for the amazing gift of salvation that He has given and provided through Jesus Christ, our Immanuel!  It is amazing to think that God would love us so much to do what He did 2,000 years ago. . . to send His Son to save us, and provide an eternal hope. . . that was, and is, and is to come!  What a wonderful blessing it is to celebrate this amazing truth in a special way every Christmas!  May we focus on our Saviour this season, and also every day throughout this coming year, as we daily celebrate our Living Hope!!!  

You are loved, dear ones!!!

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