Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 16, 2022 - One More Prayer Request

 Just one more quick prayer request to add from last night. . . 

Hope is not sleeping.  Last night was even worse than the night before.  She did not sleep at all last night, and she continues to have these strange episodes where her chest feels tight and she is very short of breath and anxious.  Sometimes it happens when she is just resting quietly, and the worst episodes happen when she does happen to fall asleep, but then 2 minutes later will wake suddenly gasping for air.  We thought maybe it could be the Lidocaine infusion, but she has been off that for long enough that it shouldn't be the problem.  We also thought maybe the Hydromorphone.  She had 7 episodes in 30 minutes after the last dose.  However, she has refused to have any more Hydromorphone since 1:40 am, and yet she continues to have the shortness of breath episodes, which have been particularly bad in the last hour.  I'm definitely concerned about her not sleeping, as this always ends up resulting in seizures.  The night nurse was lovely and we just brainstormed a bunch of possible ways to help Hope relax and stay asleep.  She also is going to have doctors assess her, but because she is on a trauma unit, the spinal doctors will take longer to be able to make it over to where she is.  Now the busyness of day is about to start, and Hope definitely won't sleep.  So, praying that we can figure something out today and that she will have a very different night tonight with the very necessary and sweet gift of rest for her body and mind.  I'm still planning to talk to the pain team about a different pain med option for her than the Hydromorphone because of her continued nausea and just feeling crummy, as well as the weird dreams/shortness of breath episodes/etc..  Praying that the various doctors will have wisdom as to what is going on.  Her bloodwork came back and looks good, other than her hemoglobin which has dropped again.  But, it is not low enough for them to worry about giving another blood transfusion at this time.  They will just continue to monitor her.

Thank you so much for praying for Hope!!!  You are so loved!!!

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