Monday, March 11, 2013

HOPE UPDATE and a Hope-ism

Hello dear praying friends and family! Hopey began another unwell bout this past Friday and it lasted through today, so a bit longer than the last few bouts. She was "off and on" all day, but seemed to end on a good note, so praying that tomorrow will mark a new day of talking and feeling better as well as normal eating and drinking!
During one of Hope's "on" times today, she came up with this. . . my fun Hope-ism to share with you:

Hope has been very cuddly when not feeling well lately and just wants to be held by mommy all the time. After asking to be "snuggled" a few times this afternoon, and hearing that I needed to finish Gabi's homework with her first, Hope replied with this great line in a very sweet, yet determined tone. . .

"Mom, you are not listening to me. . . I said, "SNU. . .GGLE!!!!!"

She said the word "snuggle" very slowly and broken into two syllables, as though she was breaking it down for me to be sure I understood! Gabs and I broke into a huge smile and laugh and ran to give her the attention she needed for a minute before returning to homework! It was a great "smile" moment!!!

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