Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014 . .. . Update Part Two -- Hope's Back Surgery for Severe Scoliosis

And now for an update on Hope's scoliosis and the back surgery that is recommended to correct it.  Hope's condition is very severe and complex.  I'll do my best to try to explain the details around it so you can know best how to be in prayer for her and for us as we make decisions. . .

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 20th, 2014. . . Update Part One -- Hope's Baclofen Pump!

Hello dear praying friends and family!  We had four doctor appointments last week, a series of x-rays, and a WHOLE lot of information.  We have been praying and sorting through it, doing some of our own research, and seeking the Lord's direction, and we are eager to share with you where things are at.  As there is A LOT of information, I am going to break it up.  I will start with the internal Baclofen pump and our visit to the neuro-surgeon, and then touch on the other three doctor appointments related to Hope's severe back/hip scoliosis in my next post.  For you to understand the full impact of this update on Hope's Baclofen pump, I will first need to go back. . .

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Request for your Prayer . . . March 12, 2014

Hello dear friends and family!  I just have a quick minute to ask for your prayers for our family, once again. . .

Hope has had one doctor appointment already this week, and we are about to head off to another one in a few minutes.  Then we have another tomorrow, and another on Friday.

Each of these appointments are part of making some very big decisions regarding Hope's health and future, including two possible surgeries.

We would be so blessed to have your prayer lifting us up to our gracious Heavenly Father, as we seek Him for wisdom and His leading in the decisions that will be made, wisdom for the doctors, and peace for our hearts throughout this. 

I look forward to sharing more with you as soon as we know more and how you can then be praying specifically.  In the mean time, please know how very much we love and appreciate each and every one of you!!!

You are so loved, dear ones!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hope's Terrific Stuffed Chicken Breast Recipe

Several of you asked for Hope's Stuffed Chicken Breast recipe, and. . . here it is!!!  I videotaped her telling the recipe as I thought you'd enjoy that most!  : )  So without further adieu. . .


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daddio is Home!!! : )

Hello dear praying friends and family!  Thank you so VERY much for the outpouring of your precious prayers and notes of encouragement, as well as the practical ways that many of you served our family over this past couple weeks while Trev was away!  God used each and every one of you to bless and care for our family, while Trevor had the privilege and joy of travelling to Nepal and training dear pastors and leaders there.  Their time in Nepal was very fruitful, and Trev said it was so encouraging and humbling to see the growth in the pastors/leaders there, and the ways that God is at work in mighty ways through His church!

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