Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daddio is Home!!! : )

Hello dear praying friends and family!  Thank you so VERY much for the outpouring of your precious prayers and notes of encouragement, as well as the practical ways that many of you served our family over this past couple weeks while Trev was away!  God used each and every one of you to bless and care for our family, while Trevor had the privilege and joy of travelling to Nepal and training dear pastors and leaders there.  Their time in Nepal was very fruitful, and Trev said it was so encouraging and humbling to see the growth in the pastors/leaders there, and the ways that God is at work in mighty ways through His church!

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Trevor returned home this past Sunday afternoon.  He was tired and had a sinus infection. . . which we laughed as he told the story of searching for a decongestant in China and the sweet ladies trying to help him as they used hand motions to try to communicate. . . he's "pretty" sure that he was taking a decongestant!  : )  He's been a trooper, but between the sinus infection and the jet lag starting to set in after the second day home, he's in pretty rough shape this week.  Please pray that the Lord will grant healing mercies for him to get back to full health, and that the Lord will also give strength as he recuperates, and as he prepares a message for this Sunday.  Thank you dear ones!

I wanted to share the little celebration we had as a family after daddio returned. . . Hope has taken up writing recipes now!  Her creative mind is always coming up with something new.  She came home from school one day a while ago and had several recipes that she had made up that day.  Some needed some tweaking, but a few were quite interesting and we decided to give them a try at some point.  Well, daddy's return was a perfect time to finally try Hope's favorite and most interesting recipe that sounded to have some good potential. . . a stuffed chicken recipe.  Well. . . it was a hit!  They were delicious, although Hope in true "Gordon Ramsey" style gave her critique based on her amazing palate (one of the results of being blind now!) and made some adjustments. . . she said they were a bit rich and so would cut down from 3/4 to 1/2 pkg cream cheese and she wanted more dried cranberries and crumbled bacon in the stuffing.  The Thai-flavored peanut butter/sesame/coconut oil glaze was delicious and we're waiting to see if the Lord has a future cookbook by Hope!  : )  I took some pictures to share with you. . .

Hope's Meal:  Strawberry Avocado Spinach Salad, Brown Sugared Butter Carrots, Roasted Rosemary Garlic Potatoes, and Hope's Stuffed Chicken Breast recipe!!!

Hope's plate dished up and salad on the side!

A close-up of Hope's stuffed chicken breast. . . Yummy!!!

Gabi's fun contribution when setting up supper. . . her creative spin on setting the table!  : )

And. . . Gordon Ramsey aka Hope gives a thumbs up on her recipe!!!  : )


  1. That looks awesome! So glad Trev made it home safe and sound.

  2. does anyone besides me want the chicken recipe?!
