You have probably already noticed that Hope's blog has a new look! The old template was deleted and we needed to choose a new one. . .
I just chose one that looked cute, reminded me of Hope with her favorite colours, and held all the information in as similar a look as I could find to the format of the old blog template. However, a dear friend sent me this text after I asked her opinion of the new blog template I had chose. . . I had to share it with you because it touched my heart and blessed me deeply to think of how God works far beyond what we could imagine . . .
"There is something about the dandelions that is a pretty cool picture of what you are praying will be accomplished with the blog. Each time you post on the blog, it is another chapter in Hope's life. Each chapter is like the dandelion. . . an old chapter closes and a new chapter begins like the dandelion seed that is sent off and we don't know where it will be sown. The words you write are sown in many hearts and lives, many that you might not ever know about. But God does, and He will continue to use those words that are written and planted, for His glory!"
We have an amazing God! That He would choose to use us for His glory and purposes never ceases to amaze and humble me! And as a mom who watches our precious daughter face difficult challenges daily, I can't tell you how much it means to me . . . to be reminded that He has . . .
a purpose in all the pain,
a way to bring glory to Him through all the suffering,
a plan to trust in all the uncertainties,
a joy in the midst of the trials, and
a hope that is secure in Jesus Christ!
What more could I hope and pray for our sweet Hope, than that her life would be for God's glory! I will be thinking of those dandelion seeds the next time I'm sad watching her suffer and trying to make sense of it in my heart and mind . . . the next time I struggle to know how to share on her blog knowing I have nothing great to say in my own wisdom or experience . . . God is carrying those dandelion seeds away far beyond my sight or understanding . . . and God is using her story for His good purposes, by His far reaching, life transforming power, and to His worthy praise and glory!!! How can we not just be grateful willing vessels for a God that faithful and good!!!
Thank you, dear friend, for the picture of the dandelion and its seeds that fixes my gaze on the One who is worthy!!! The Lord knew I needed that! We are loved by a great God!!!
Ephesians 3:20-21
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
Every post of yours ministers to me in different ways, Heather. I know you are very busy with Hope, Gabby, Trevor and keeping your home running along with everything else. May the Lord bless and strengthen you moment by moment and day by day. Sending lots of love your way. Are there any specific needs we can be praying for right now?