Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Day at the Farm July 1, 2013

We went to my parent's farm to celebrate my mom's birthday.  Hope and Gabs were super excited to be able to ride the horse and snuggle the dogs there!  They have always loved animals!!!  Here are some pictures and a video from the day. . .

Snuggles with Daddy!!!

Riding with Grandma!!!

Gabs was such a great little sister and led the horse around and around for me!

We kept calling Hope the "Horse Whisperer" that day!  The yearlings kept coming right up to her and nuzzling her!  She LOVED it!!!  It may have had something to do with Grandma starting out with oats on Hope's wheelchair tray!  I think they equated Hope with a "treat!"  That she is!!!  : )

Feeding the horses grass with a little help from Grandma!  She eventually was able to do it on her own!!!

What sweet and friendly horses!  They loved her and totally thrilled her heart!!!

Love this picture of horsey snuggles!!!!  

And more rides with Grandma, thanks to little sister!!!

Brushing down the horse afterwards!!!  Must take good care of the horsey!  Hope was thrilled!!!  And as you can see, Hope has the BEST "horsey" in the world. . . her daddio!!!  What a great daddy!!!  : )

Taking a little break from horse riding to hang out with Annie the miniature Dachsund!!!  She's been in the family for a long time and loves the girls!!!  And. . . Hope loves her!!!  : )

The smile says it all!!!  : )

I can't remember if this was kisses for Annie, or Hope was just taking a little "doggie nap" too!!!  : )
Either way. . . it's so sweet!!!

This is a video of Hope brushing the horse down after riding!  I just love the concentration you'll notice on her face as she tries so hard to do a simple task that we can so easily do and thus easily take for granted!  How I have learned a different perspective in observing Hope throughout this journey!  Everything, even the smallest thing, feels so precious. . . such a blessing and gift from the Lord! You'll also hear her talking to me and answering questions, which is another way to see how much her speech continues to progress, as well as her cognition and awareness!  We are so thankful to the Lord that He gives her such joy in these modified activities, and that her ability to participate continues to slowly grow!!!

Psalm 66:1-5
"Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his Name; give to him glorious praise!  Say to God,"How awesome are your deeds!  So great is your power that your enemies come cringing to you.  All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name."  Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds towards the children of man."

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