Saturday, February 2, 2013

We're Home - HOPE UPDATE

We made it!!! We're home. And although we still have a sick little girlie, she is enjoying the comforts of home such as a snuggle with little sissy in her beanbag chair. Thank you SO much for all your prayers! Even though Hope was sick and not feeling great yesterday, her fever backed off for the day and she was a great trooper on all the flights and transfers and layover! Her fever is going back up again today and so we know that God's hand of mercy was over her long day of travelling.
We also thank Him that she did not have any seizures. Especially since we didn't get her med in her until very late last night as she was refusing to drink or eat. Finally had to force her at home after numerous attempts and offers of ways to take it. Forcing her is quite horrific honestly, since she's learned to spit, and involves alot of desperation, worry for how much she's actually getting, pain in watching her suffer and knowing you have to do it or things will only be worse and exasperation on our part. For Hope there's alot of screaming, unkind words, anger, frustration, coughing, choking, sputtering and difficulty in truly understanding the situation. For Gabs it hurts too watching the whole ordeal and all her family members suffering through it as she understands both perspectives. It usually leaves all of us crying and seeking God for comfort and the grace/strength to do it again if necessary. We're going to look into whether there are other routes of administering the med so that we can have more options than the volume of liquid. 
Prayer Request
But would you pray with us that as Hope continues to be sick and goes through her bouts of not eating or drinking that God will either help her to understand her need to take the seizure medication or give us the wisdom and grace to continue to find ways to get it in her! Thank you dear praying friends and family! And also for Hope to get over this virus as soon as possible. Her fever and cough were quite bad last night and Trev and I were up with her a few times as she was muttering in her sleep. We've cleared her schedule through Monday, but Tuesday she has two important doctor appointments. One with her neurologist which is always important. I will post a separate update on Hope's ongoing health concerns related to her brain injury. Thank you again dear ones for your incredible support of prayer and encouragement as we continue to see our great God work out His loving and good plan all for His glory's sake! He is so worthy! You are so loved!!!

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